

Solutions for mechanical engineering.
challenges of the future.

With sales of more than 206 billion euros, mechanical engineering is one of the most important sectors of the economy and is regarded as Germany’s export star.


At the same time, however, the industry is facing major changes.

In order to continue to be an international leader in the future: Industry 4.0, digitalization, networking are the challenges of the future for which the industry must find answers.


With our ability to understand complex engineering contexts, combined with a high level of vertical integration, we are the contact for all questions relating to mechatronics in mechanical engineering, from development to pilot series/prototypes to series production. We handle your projects with the appropriate discretion and convince through speed and high quality.



This is what we offer you.

The Modl range of services in mechanical and plant engineering.

Mechanical and plant engineering is a future-proof branch of industry in which Modl can convince with expertise. From design studies to the production of housing solutions, surface processing to electrotechnical and electronic interior fittings. With our vertical range of manufacture, we help you remain competitive and innovative


• design studies
• design & development
• manufacturing of complex mechatronic systems


• manufacturing of housing solutions & claddings
• manufacturing of assemblies
• cable assembly


• sheet metal working
• surface treatment
• tests & simulations

How to find us...


Modl GmbH

Langenaltheimer Str. 5-9,

91788 Pappenheim